About Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Devasthanam

Sri Kanyaka Parameshwari Devasthanam and Charities owes its existence to the blessings of Sri Vasavamba, the presiding deity of the Arya Vysya community.

With the philanthropic services and support of the members of the community and under the able leadership of Suncoo Chinna Kistamah Chetty and Collah Moothoorama Chetty, a temple for Sri Kanyaka Parameshwari Ammavaru was constructed in the year 1720 in the “Kooragayala Thota” at Audiappa Naicken Street, Madras.

Weekly Poojas

Go Pooja on every Friday morning at 08.00am, Unjal seva in Addala Mantabam at 06.00am on Fridays, Deeparathana at 08.00pm Viayara Nadaka.

Monthly Pooja

Punarvasu Nakshatram Pooja for Ammavaru, Krithika Nakshatram Pooja for Subramania Swamy, Deeparathana at 08.00pm Viayara Nadaka.


Nowadays procession is led by SKPD Board of Management and also festival is conducted by SKPD is a grand manner.
