Our Committee of Management

Dharmakartha Garu - Sri Collah Venkata Chandrasekhar
Dharmakartha & President
Sri Voora Anjaneyulu, B.Sc., M.A.B.L.,
Member-in-Charge of College, Hony.Correspondent
Sri Nalam Sree Kanth, F.C.A.
Member-in-Charge of Devasthanam
Dr G Vijayakumar, M..B.B.S., C.C.D.E., (WHO) Dip. Diab
Member-in-Charge of Office Administration and Works Hony.Correspondent to Aided Schools
Sri Vootukuru Sarath Kumar, B.Com.,
Member-in-Charge of CBSE School & Hony.Correspondent
Member-in-Charge of Hostels, Chairman, SKPD NTTF

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ofsystem, expound the great explorer.